This template can be used to create lists of Signpost articles. The Signpost articles can be filtered by tags, by date, and by page; can be sorted by date, page, or title; and can be outputted in formats specified by the user.



Premade templates to automatically generate informational tables from issues, months, et cetera can be found here:

Filtering articles


There are over 5000 Signpost articles, so the first step to making a list of them is to filter out the results that you don't need. Here are the parameters that you can use to do that:

Blank template


This is the full template, with all possible parameters.

{{Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/Templates/Article list maker
 | title        = 
 | page         = 
 | subpage      = 
 | fullpage     = 
 | tags         = 
 | tagmatch     = 
 | date         = 
 | startdate    = 
 | enddate      = 
 | author       = 
 | sortdir      = 
 | sortfield    = 
 | start        = 
 | limit        = 
 | rowformat    = 
 | rowtemplate  = 
 | rowseparator = 

Outputting articles


This template outputs a series of rows, formatted with data from the articles specified using the parameters in #Filtering articles above. It is up to you to specify what parameters appear when in each row. To do this, you have two options, a row format string, or a row template.

Whichever option you choose, you can use the |rowseparator= argument to specify a custom separator for each row. As a special case, if you use |rowseparator=newline, the separator will be a new line character.



Both row format strings and row templates take the same parameters, although their syntax is slightly different. Row format strings take parameters that look like ${parameter}, and row templates take parameters that look like {{{parameter}}}. The available parameters are:

Row format strings


Row format strings are specified with the |rowformat= parameter. These strings take row parameters that look like ${date}, ${page} and ${title}.

For example, the following code:

{{Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/Templates/Article list maker
| tags = esperanza
| rowformat = * ${date}, ${subpage}: [[${page}|${title}]], by ${author}
| rowseparator = newline

Produces the following output:

Row templates

The following is a an automatically updated list of subpages, current as of 20231216003925 (Purge):

Row templates are specified with the |rowtemplate= parameter. This must be the title of a template that is used to format the rows. Row templates take parameters that look like {{{date}}}, {{{page}}} and {{{title}}}.

For example, Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/Templates/Article list maker/Example has the content:

* {{{date}}}, {{{subpage}}}: [[{{{page}}}|{{{title}}}]]

And the code:

{{Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/Templates/Article list maker
| tags = esperanza
| rowtemplate = Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/Templates/Article list maker/Example
| rowseparator = newline

Produces the following output:

While row templates require you to create an extra page, they have the advantage of allowing you to process the parameters with parser functions, etc. For example, you could include the code {{#time: Y | {{{date}}} }} to output the year only.

No articles


If the filter parameters you specify result in no articles being selected, you can use the |noarticles= parameter to specify the text to include where the articles would be. The default is the text "No articles found for the arguments specified".


{| class="wikitable"
! Articles
{{Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/Templates/Article list maker
| tags = asdfasdfasdf
| rowformat = {{!}}-
{{!}} [[${page}|${title}]]
| noarticles = {{!}}-
{{!}} style="color: red" {{!}} No articles could be found for your search...
| rowseparator = newline
No articles could be found for your search...

Where this is used


The following is a (not exhaustive!) list of templates and use cases where this is a dependency.

Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/Templates/Article_list_maker/doc