The Signpost

In the media

Wikipedia Zero piracy in Bangladesh; bureaucracy; chilling effects; too few cooks; translation gaps

Wikimedia Bangladesh has become involved in the dispute
As in Angola, Bangladeshis are using zero-rated Wikimedia sites to upload copyrighted material and then share the links in filesharing groups on the equally zero-rated Facebook.

Koebler says the "arms race" between the pirates and Wikimedians trying to stop them is "significantly more advanced" than it it is in Angola:

A task force of editors in the developed world are desperately trying to get Bangladeshis play by Wikipedia's existing rules by closely monitoring and banning people who upload pirated content. They're invading Facebook groups to monitor and determine how and where people are uploading files. They're keeping a running tally of the number and names of accounts that have uploaded content. They've blocked entire IP ranges from uploading files, and have created filters that monitor all uploads that come from Wikipedia Zero accounts and from new accounts in general.


the Bangladeshi operations that I've seen appear to be much more sophisticated than the Angolan ones – they have posted specific guides to converting videos to smaller and harder-to-detect file types, have started using Wikipedia test sites, and have started using free sites online that automatically upload YouTube videos to Wikimedia Commons.

Wikimedia Bangladesh has become involved, pleading with users to stop the uploads, telling them they are contributing to an "increasingly negative perception of Bangladesh in many different sectors" by treating Wikimedia sites as a sort of free YouTube. But, Koebler argues,

Commons is YouTube for Wikipedia Zero users out of necessity, not choice. Because they can't afford access to YouTube and the rest of the internet, Wikipedia has become the internet for lots of Bangladeshis. What's crazy, then, is that a bunch of more-or-less random editors who happen to want to be the piracy police are dictating the means of access for an entire population of people ... there's no simple way out of this situation. When you create two entirely different tiers of internet, those in the second tier will rightly aspire to get into the first tier.

Study: Wikipedia is basically a corporate bureaucracy

The Kafka index, named after Franz Kafka's The Trial, represents the complexity of a bureaucracy

Gizmodo reports (April 25) on a new study by Bradi Heaberlin and Simon DeDeo arguing that Wikipedia has become a corporate bureaucracy, "akin to bureaucratic systems that predate the information age."

Wikipedia is a voluntary organization dedicated to the noble goal of decentralized knowledge creation. But as the community has evolved over time, it has wandered further and further from its early egalitarian ideals, according to a new paper published in the journal Future Internet. In fact, such systems usually end up looking a lot like 20th century bureaucracies.

Even in the brave new world of online communities, the Who had it right: "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."

One of the study's most striking findings, Gizmodo reports, is that

even on Wikipedia, the so-called "Iron Law of Oligarchy" – a.k.a. rule by an elite few – holds sway. ... "You start with a decentralized democratic system, but over time you get the emergence of a leadership class with privileged access to information and social networks," DeDeo explained. "Their interests begin to diverge from the rest of the group. They no longer have the same needs and goals. So not only do they come to gain the most power within the system, but they may use it in ways that conflict with the needs of everybody else."

DeDeo and Heaberlin note Wikipedia's conservative nature: over 89 per cent of its core norms, created by a small pool of around 100 users, have remained unchanged; they have achieved a "myth-like status" even as they inevitably conflict with each other. Resolution of such conflicts is made more difficult by the fact that editors form central "neighbourhoods" organised around "article quality, content policy, collaboration, and administrators" that are "increasingly separate and interact with each other less and less", leading to the emergence of tribalism.

DeDeo and Heaberlin performed a purely mathematical analysis of broad trends in the Wikipedia data, connecting this hyper-quantitative approach with sociology and political science. The next step is to collaborate with cultural anthropologists to undertake a close reading of all those inter-linked individual pages.

"We need to understand how these systems work if we're going to understand how the economy of the future will run. They don't have laws, they have traditions and norms," said DeDeo when asked why this kind of research matters. "I think what we're doing is investing research into a problem that, 200 years from now, could be the biggest problem in the world – if we don't destroy ourselves first."

In its article, Gizmodo references a study published earlier this year in Physical Review E by Jinhyuk Yun (윤진혁), Sang Hoon Lee (이상훈), and Hawoong Jeong (정하웅) from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, which came to similar conclusions about Wikipedia. The Korean study received a German-language write-up in taz this week (April 28).

DeDeo's and Heaberlin's study was subsequently also covered by The Washington Post as well as by (April 28).

Chilling effects

Edward Snowden's revelations have had a marked effect on Wikipedia users' reading habits, a study finds

The Washington Post, along with many other media outlets, reports that according to a new study by Jon Penney, "Snowden's disclosures about NSA spying had a scary effect on free speech":

Internet traffic to Wikipedia pages summarizing knowledge about terror groups and their tools plunged nearly 30 percent after revelations of widespread Web monitoring by the U.S. National Security Agency, suggesting that concerns about government snooping are hurting the ordinary pursuit of information.

The study, titled "Chilling Effects: Online Surveillance and Wikipedia Use", is

focused on Wikipedia pages related to sensitive topics specifically flagged by the Department of Homeland Security. In a document provided to its analysts in 2011, the DHS listed 48 terrorism terms that they should use when "monitoring social media sites." Penney collected traffic data on the English Wikipedia pages most closely related to those terms.

The collected data showed that pageviews dropped immediately after the June 2013 news stories about Snowden and never recovered to previous levels.

"You want to have informed citizens," Penney said. "If people are spooked or deterred from learning about important policy matters like terrorism and national security, this is a real threat to proper democratic debate."

Too few cooks in Wikipedia ...


... and not enough gorgeous, ...

The New Statesman covers (Apr. 17) a project kickstarted by Bee Wilson, chair of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, to bring more women editors to Wikipedia in order to improve its articles on food. The article's writer, Felicity Cloake, visited a related group editing session at the British Library.

[Wikipedia's] "egregious gender imbalance" is especially notable in matters relating to food, because, as Polly Russell, the library's curator of food studies, explains, "we're such a new area of serious study". Most food throughout history has been cooked by women, "but if you can’t name them, they get forgotten."

... sumptuous ...

Commenting on the under-representation of notable women on Wikipedia,

Wilson ... cites the example of Philippa Glanville, a former chief curator of the metalwork, silver and jewellery department at the Victoria and Albert Museum and a world expert on historical dining practices, whose achievements were recognised by the Queen before the online encyclopaedia ("Presumably getting on Wikipedia should be easier than getting an OBE").

Facilitating this process is the goal of Wiki-Food, which groups academics, students, experts and enthusiastic amateurs with the aim of improving and expanding Wikipedia's coverage of food-related topics, especially but not exclusively those relevant to women, with support from Wikipedia.

... food!

Finding translation gaps

VentureBeat reports (Apr. 28) on a collaboration between Wikimedia and Stanford University to help point translators to significant content gaps in other language versions of Wikipedia:

finding out which topics or articles are in particular shortage in specific tongues is a challenge, which is why Wikimedia is partnering with Stanford University researchers to design a new recommendation system. This will rank Wikipedia articles in order of priority across languages. The ranking is based on a number of factors, including editor interests (using contribution history data), language proficiency, and anticipated popularity if an article was translated. For example, a native Swahili speaker is unlikely to care about the history of a U.K. baking business, but they may care about WrestleMania 32.

University news site Futurity also has an article (Apr. 15) on the project; a Wikimedia blog post (Apr. 27) is available here.

Indian writer and ecologist Madhav Gadgil is due to lead a Wikipedia workshop in Kerala this week
Beyoncé's fan base, the "Beyhive", descended on Wikipedia on April 24
  • The Beyhive descends on Wikipedia: As covered by The Root, The Daily Mail and many others, Beyoncé fans, collectively known as the "Beyhive", took to vandalising fashion designer Rachel Roy's Wikipedia biography, believing her to be the "Becky with the good hair" referred to by Beyoncé in one of the songs on her new album, Lemonade, as a rival for husband Jay Z's affections. On April 24, the Rachel Roy biography received over one hundred edits within the space of one hour. (Apr. 24–25)
  • Product placement: The A.V. Club looks at Wikipedia's article on product placement as part of its Wiki Wormhole series. (Apr. 24)
  • A source-o-meter?: The Atlantic reports on a study (see previous Signpost coverage in the February edition of "Recent research" and the related talk page) suggesting that Wikipedia should build a "source-o-meter" indicating how many of the information sources a Wikipedia article is based on can readily be verified by the reader online. (Apr. 22)
  • Wikipedia soon to be available on the Moon: Mic, TechCrunch, TechWorm and others cover the efforts to take Wikipedia to the Moon, as covered in last week's Signpost. (Apr. 21–24)
  • Police chief apologises: The Saskatoon Star-Phoenix reports that "Saskatoon police Chief Clive Weighill said he is angry and upset that someone from inside police headquarters altered the department's Wikipedia page to erase all references to 'starlight tours.'" "It really does upset me. It's just another step backward," Weighill is reported to have said at a board of police commissioners meeting. For context see the previous Signpost article, "Saskatoon police delete Wikipedia content about police brutality". (Apr. 21)
  • Full Measure: Sharyl Atkisson's U.S. TV series Full Measure covers the "Dark Side of Wikipedia". The programme interviewed two banned paid editors, Wikipediocracy co-founder Gregory Kohs (Thekohser) and Mike Wood (Morning277). (Apr. 17)
  • Pottermore take-down notices target Wikipedia: As described by Business Insider and TorrentFreak, Pottermore, the publishing company responsible for marketing the popular Harry Potter series, has filed copyright takedown demands alleging various websites, among them Wikipedia, contain its intellectual property. Business Insider and TorrentFreak described the takedown requests as "surreal" and "bizarre". (Apr. 14–15)
Hong Kong, home to the "youngest group of Wikipedians in the world", according to Jimmy Wales – some editors started contributing while still in primary school
  • Odia Wikimedian: features Sailesh Patnaik's description of his "four year, action-packed experience with Wikipedia" that began with his registering a user account in April 2012, aged 15. "I consider myself to be an Odia Wikimedian. I contribute Odia knowledge (the predominant language of the Indian state of Odisha) to many Wikimedia projects, like Wikipedia and Wikisource, by writing articles and correcting mistakes in articles. I also contribute to Hindi and English Wikipedia articles." And he has done much else besides in the Wikimedia movement, as you can read in his retrospective. (Apr. 15)
  • Wiki-geeks get seriously young: The Statesman reports on school-age Wikipedia contributors from Hong Kong. Jimmy Wales "once described the Hong Kong team as the youngest group of Wikipedians in the world." (Apr. 15)
  • Block chain war: Cryptocurrency blog CoinTelegraph discusses an "edit war" on the article block chain. (Apr. 14)
  • Year of science: reports that "The Wiki Education Foundation (Wiki Ed) has announced the 2016 Wikipedia Year of Science, an initiative to improve Wikipedia's potential for communicating science to the public. Through its Classroom Program (where students write Wikipedia articles on class-related topics in place of a traditional research paper) and with collaborations from Wikipedia editors, Wiki Ed will engage scientists to improve the breadth and depth of scientific content on Wikipedia." (Apr. 14)

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