The Signpost

Featured content

Vanguard on guard

Nuclear submarine HMS Vanguard arrives back at HM Naval Base Clyde, Faslane, Scotland following a patrol

This Signpost "Featured content" report covers material promoted from 5 to 11 April. Text may be adapted from the respective articles and lists; see their page histories for attribution.

Six featured articles were promoted this week.

Engraving of The Tower House in 1878 (from a contemporary issue of The Building News).
Alice Cooper, lead singer of Alice Cooper, whose album Love It to Death is the subject of a new featured article.
"I can quote in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus" says Major-General Stanley. Hmm. Well, allow me to try. So, dactylic hexameter, then pentameter. Should be able to...

   Roses, my Emperor? Wow! you have brought us exceedingly many!
   Bugger it! Crushed beneath! Help! I will die! (Now I'm dead.)

Wait, when I quote all the crimes of Heliogabalus, do they need to be real crimes, or will probably fake crimes do? ...And what if he littered one day? Does that count? WHY DID YOU NOT SPECIFY, STANLEY?! WHY?!

Fifteen featured pictures were promoted this week.

Dusty the dusky lory wanted a cracker, so she reached out using the web...
... to contract these nice Lijiang Yunnan China-Naxi-people, over Alibaba, to mass produce crackers, fill baskets with them, and deliver them directly to her, in the Gembira Loka Zoo, in Yogyakarta, via container ships. These baskets are not really filled with Dusty's Crackers (yet); in fact, these are performers in an open air stage in Lijiang, Yunnan, China. This photo was taken before the "Dusty's Crackers" phenomenon swept the globe and made Dusty rich through a wildly successful IPO.
Dusty now has a nice winter home in Schwäbisch Hall and runs a global cracker empire from here over the web with her business partner, Crisco 1492. You can find "Dusty's Crackers" the world over. Eat Dusty's!
Everyone loves Dusty's Crackers! Just ask Henri Gervex and his painting, A Session of the Cracker-Lovers' Jury. Dusty's won the special jury prize: a slice of cheese and a tall glass of cold milk.

[T]he time has come, and is indeed long past, for the likeness of a prominent American woman to be placed on a denomination of U.S. currency. We believe strongly that the likeness should be that of an actual woman and not that of an imaginary or symbolic figure. Susan B. Anthony contributed immeasurably to the advancement of human dignity in this nation. It is entirely fitting and appropriate that her memory be honored through this measure.

Susan B. Anthony was an American social reformer and feminist who played a pivotal role in the women's suffrage movement.

Good articles

These sixty-four good articles were promoted between 5 to 11 April, the week covered in this Signpost. (We simply can't produce these in three days!)

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Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2015-04-22/Featured_content