The Signpost

Featured content

Citations are needed

You stand there shouting, 'What ho!', but they all pass by your grotto: No-one loves a fairy when she's old!

The Saalfeld Fairy Grottoes in Germany, as photographed by Ansgar Koreng.

Yes, I did change the title for this week at the last minute, then put it into the caption here because I still liked it. Deal.
This Signpost "featured content" report covers material promoted from 28 December 2014 through 4 January 2015.

Six featured articles were promoted this week.

John Barrymore as the titular role in Hamlet (1922). This image has a big reflection on the lower right hand corner (not shown), which proved far more resistant to attempts to fix than I had hoped. Hence why it hasn't been replaced with a restored version yet. Possibly not ever. Curse you, light! ...Wait! I didn't mean that!
John Barrymore as the titular role in Hamlet (1922). This image has a big reflection on the lower right hand corner (not shown), which proved far more resistant to attempts to fix than I had hoped. Hence why it hasn't been replaced with a restored version yet. Possibly not ever. Curse you, light! ...Wait! I didn't mean that!
Urania's Mirror - Sagittarius and Corona Australis, Microscopium, and Telescopium

Five featured lists were promoted this week.

Catawissa Creek in Columbia County, Pennsylvania, has many tributaries – as a new, gorgeously-illustrated featured list explains.

Sixteen featured pictures were promoted this week.

Claude Monet's The Magpie (1868-9)
Öxarárfoss, Iceland, photographed by Diego Delso. "Foss" is Icelandic for "waterfall".
The Renaissance Center, Detroit, as photographed by Chris Woodrich.
The Plumb-pudding in danger! Caricature by James Gillray, 1805

Given the number of high-quality sets of images from cathedrals in Britain being produced by David Iliff, it seemed only right to, for once, show the entirety of the set, to give some idea of the excellent work being done by him.

Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2015-01-14/Featured_content