One of the US Navy Band's ensembles performs in Wisconsin, 2009. Six performances by the Band were promoted to featured sound status. The Signpost thinks whoever pushed the bill through Congress to make US Government images and sound files free should be blessed; it has created a huge source of free cultural content.
This week's "Featured content" covers Sunday 15 – Saturday 21 May
New administrators
New featured picture, of video game designer and producer Robin HunickeNew featured picture showing the result of the photographic technique of focus-stack microscopy. Here, the result of "stacking" the component images is a single image of a microfossil, at the bottom, with a depth of field almost impossible to achieve at high magnification.From this edition onwards, The Signpost will announce new administrators at the start of the "In brief" section at "News and notes".
There were no new featured articles or delistings.
Featured pictures
Four images were promoted. Medium-sized images can be viewed by clicking on "nom":
Warty crab (nom; related article), found in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and eastern Atlantic Ocean. It has decreased in numbers since the 1980s and there are now concerns that it may be an endangered species. (Created by User:George Chernilevsky.)
Focus stack microscopy (nom; related article) of a diatom microfossil. Top left are the three source image slices at three focal depths. Top right are the contributions (black is no contribution, white is full contribution) of that focal slice to the final "focus stacked" image. At the bottom is the resulting focus-stacked image with an extended depth of field. Extended depth of field by focus stacking is a powerful tool for light microscopy as at high magnification the depth of field can be extremely shallow, down to around 1 μm. Stack Microscopy. (Created by User:Zephyris.)
Grand piano diagram (nom; related article), a schematic horizontal cross-section of a major components of a pianoforte (part names are listed on the image description page). (Created by Polish user Orem; Orem on Commons.)
"Be ye men of valour" (nom; related article), a radio recording of the original speech made by the former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 1940, nine days after first becoming Prime Minister. This was a response to the crisis that was happening in World War II, when the Germans had beaten the French and were apparently preparing to advance on Britain.
La Bayamesa (nom; related article), the national anthem of Cuba, performed by the United States Navy Band. It was first performed during the Battle of Bayamo in 1868 and was officially adopted in 1902. Perucho Figueredo, who took part in the battle, wrote and composed the song. Antonio Rodríguez Ferrer wrote the introductory notes for the anthem.
Colonel Bogey March, (related article), written in 1914 by Lieutenant F. J. Ricketts (1881–1945), a British army bandmaster who later became director of music for the Royal Marines at Plymouth.
New featured picture: Polish user Orem's schematic of the grand piano, a design that has evolved continually over the 250-year history of the instrument, and which is still the subject of innovation. The labelled components are listed on the description page.
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